I just had to post a link to this graphic for the RIKK spring lecture series here. Partly because I'm giving a talk next week. Mostly because the graphic is just so great. (Sorry that I'm not skilled enough at blogging yet to actually insert a pdf file into my post. The photo below is in jpg format, which is easier to add).
For those of you who don't read Icelandic, part of the reason for the graphic is that the first lecture was about the current controversy here about surrogacy. Using a surrogate mother to have a child is illegal here in Iceland, as it is in Europe generally. But an Icelandic couple has nevertheless used a surrogate mother in India to have a child, who was born in November of 2010. There was delay, however, in getting permission to return to Iceland. The family began their journey home in February. But the larger question regarding surrogacy is not settled.
Comparatively speaking, my talk will be much less controversial. It's about the way the Obama Administration has tried to update the "responsible fatherhood" program of the Bush Administration, which was strongly criticized by feminists and poverty advocates. But I'll be talking about the way that this graphic from Ms. Magazine, January 2009, is a visual representation of the kinds of questions that the responsible fatherhood initiative raises. I'm especially interested in how Obama has personally identified himself with the policy (small and low budget though it is). So the lecture is on Thursday, March 10, at noon, in Askja room 132.
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